20. The committee (debates, debates) examines these issues carefully. Select the correct form of the verb that corresponds to the subject. ___ The director works very hard with all the actors. Thus is a preposition that comes in the middle of the subject and the verb. In this sentence, this preposition is used between two nouns that mean that the sentence is in the plural, so that “speaking” will come instead of speech. Therefore, option A is the right one. 15. Mathematics (is, are) John`s favorite subject, while civics (is, are) Andreas` favorite subject. The answers follow our PDF worksheet below, which you can download and print for your students. What verb do we use with (data)? What for? Thank you very much. Alice Kemp: I think he answers the question, when he says that if we put two or more numbers by surgery, they are considered as a single quantity. So , one and two*, or one plus two* – are two examples of two digits that deal with the operation of addition (I think mathematics is impossible) and therefore the individual entities are (quantities).

So one and one ist*, one-plus-two IS*. Here are some questions from DailyWritingTips.com readers about subject-verb correspondence and my answers. You can check the performance of this question after Login/ Signup “Equals” is a singular verb. In English, and especially in the representation of the third person, singulars end on “s”. This is perhaps quite surprising, since the plural NOUN usually ends with “s”. Many foreigners whose mother tongue is not English cannot specify this through the singular third person. The above applies to the index mood and the mood of the questions. What about other moods? If you are looking for a quiz in the subject-verb agreement, we have two for you. The first set of questions is fundamental and covers simple subjects composed with nouns or singular pronouns and verbs that must correspond depending on whether they are singular or plural. The second quiz deals with compound topics, complex sentences, and special nouns that adopt singular verbs.

I agree with Dale A. Wood on the issue #1, but he does not go far enough in his statement. The examples are correct, but the reason why a singular verb is used in the example “ten liters of water” is that the “ten liters of water” are treated as a singular size; This means that you are not talking about ten liters of water, you are talking about an amount of ten liters of water. There are some exceptions {may, can, can, can, can, can, must, should, should, wants, would be… However, these are usually modeling tools, verbs in the conjunctive atmosphere or other cases that are not in the indicative atmosphere. For example, he could, if he wanted to, but he doesn`t want to. I let you discover the different forms of time and mood in this sentence. D.A.W. 1. Why use a singular verb for 10 liters of water in your contribution to the subject-verb concordance? “Water” is a prepositional phrase, and the subject is liter.

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